Tuesday, May 9, 2017


From the Truth About Cancer Web Page:

Do You Have Low Iodine?: The Link Between Iodine Deficiency & Cancer

by  Elyn Jacobs

Iodine, a critical mineral in the prevention of cancer, has been used in one form or another for centuries. 
First as medicine (for everything from breast cancer to syphilis) and consumed in the form 
of seaweed, and eventually added to bread. Then, in 1948, iodine was suddenly thought 
of as dangerous and was removed from medical arsenals – as well as from our food in the 1970s.

Our politicians suggested that people could get trace amounts of iodine in iodized salt, but then two things happened. First, recommendations were made to reduce sodium intake, and second, few realized that the iodine in salt evaporates as soon as the package is opened, rendering it useless.  

Ironically, just as iodine was removed from our bread, the iodine-blocking element, bromine, was added to flour. Bromine chemicals were then added not only to our bread and flour, but also to mattresses (as a fire retardant), clothing, and other consumer products.  

The problem was exacerbated further as pesticides and food additives were increasingly allowed to be used
 in our food supply — chemicals that interfere with iodine absorption. It’s no wonder that almost everyone has low iodine today.  

Iodine deficiency is, to some extent, an error
 of politics. However, it has become even more prevalent with the ever-increasing presence
 of xenoestrogens (chemical estrogens found 
in many personal and home care products and in air pollution) that not only poison the body, but contribute to hormone imbalance and estrogen dominance.  

Add that to the fact that estrogen interferes with the absorption of iodine, and 
it’s clear to see how iodine has been practically eliminated from our cancer-prevention toolkit. 

Iodine Deficiency and Cancer
Iodine consumption – which has plummeted
 50 percent since the 1970s – is known for its connection to thyroid health. It is less known that other tissues also require large amounts of iodine, namely the breasts, pancreas, stomach, brain, and thymus.  

A deficiency of iodine has been found to influence the occurrence of many cancers, especially stomach and breast cancers. Max Gerson, MD, one of the most famous alternative cancer doctors, believed that iodine is essential for the treatment of cancer.

Click HERE to read the rest of the article.  

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