Sunday, June 28, 2020

DID YOU KNOW THIS ABOUT: 12 Questions to Ask Before Saying “Yes” to Chemotherapy Treatment

12 Questions to Ask Before Saying “Yes”
to Chemotherapy Treatment
From The Truth About Cancer website
Link to article HERE
Below is an Article Summary

Article Summary:
  • Chemotherapy and radiation have long been considered the gold standard for treating cancer, but it’s not because they have been proven to cure cancer.
  • Chemotherapy is not selective − it kills healthy cells along with the cancer cells, which causes serious damage to the body.
  • Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a small population of cancer cells that are slow-growing and are resistant to treatment. Chemotherapy does not kill off cancer stem cells. These cells then take up residence elsewhere where they regenerate treatment-resistant tumors.
  • Chemotherapy also impairs the immune system, which then disables it from removing cancerous cells from the body. This makes the patient more vulnerable to cancer coming back.
  • Most oncologists only recommend chemo, radiation, and surgery and are unlikely to recommend alternative and complementary treatments. Seek 2nd and even 3rd opinions in order to compare the various protocols available.
  • If you’re considering chemotherapy, here are 12 important questions to ask your oncologist/doctor BEFORE you schedule any chemo treatments. These questions are to empower you to make smart clinical decisions for YOUR body.

    1. What is the goal of the chemo for my cancer? Is this a cure?
    2. What are the chances that the chemotherapy treatment will work for me, for my cancer?
    3. What chemo-sensitivity testing will you do to determine which chemotherapy agent to use?
    4. What is your opinion on taking supplements during treatment?
    5. What are my other options if I decline treatment?
    6. What lifestyle changes will I need to make to improve the outcome of the treatment and protect my body during treatments?
    7. How will you nourish and protect my healthy cells while you’re killing my cancer cells?
    8. What will your proposed chemotherapy treatment do to my cancer stem cells?
    9. How will you support my immune system during treatment?
    10. What will you do if I become resistant to chemo treatment?
    11. How will this treatment change the cancer environment?
    12. Would you give this same chemotherapy treatment to your spouse or children, and if not, what would you give them? Would you take it yourself?

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