Saturday, March 21, 2015


Dear Readers:

It makes me feel good that I have a Representative serving in the Congressional House that has common sense.  Here is his take on this latest efforts of labor unions to take away workers' rights.  

Protecting Workers' Rights  
While the Obama Administration has proposed a number of rules and regulations that make it more difficult for employers to create jobs, there is perhaps no rule more unfair to employers than the so-called “ambush election” rule proposed by the National Labor Relations Board. The ambush election rule was finalized last December and could shorten the length of time in which a union election is held to as little as 11 days. The average certification election is currently 38 days. This flawed rule will limit the ability of employers to prepare for union elections and, more importantly, gives workers too little time to weigh the facts about joining a union.

Earlier this year, I was proud to join House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline and Senators Lamar Alexander and Mike Enzi to introduce a joint resolution of Congress to stop this rule’s implementation.

For far too long, we’ve seen the Obama administration’s activist NLRB – which should ensure fair and transparent union elections – put the interests of labor unions before those of job creators and American workers. This latest rule is nothing more than an attempt to speed up union elections, violating the rights of workers to make an informed decision and employers to communicate openly with their employees during a union organizing campaign. As I’ve said before, this isn’t about whether you are pro or anti-union—the purpose of this resolution is to stop the NLRB from moving forward with policies that will effectively cripple the rights of workers.

Even a labor attorney and former NLRB staff member spoke out about this rule in a committee hearing held on March 4. Arnold Perl said that, “workers’ rights had been abandoned by the new rules which imposes built-in obstacles which prevent or impede reasoned and informed choices by employees.” Also troubling, this rule requires employers to give information including work schedules, home and email addresses and phone numbers to union leaders, jeopardizing the privacy and safety of workers and their families.

Earlier this month, the Senate passed this important bill, and this week, the House did the same. While I hope the president reconsiders his position and decides to support worker freedom, the president has indicated he will veto this legislation, further proving that his administration is more concerned with supporting union bosses than ensuring a fair and impartial process that respects workers’ rights to make decisions that are best for them.

Last November, voters spoke out against the president’s destructive governing tactics loud and clear. Unfortunately, rather than change course, it seems this administration is doubling down on the same failed policies that prevent more robust job creation. Still, I am committed to fighting back and pushing for commonsense, smaller government. I want to leave a better country for my children and grandchildren, and I strongly believe President Obama is leading us in the opposite direction. As long as I have the honor of representing the First Congressional District, you can rest assured I will continue fighting to be a voice of reason in Washington.

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