
Monday, October 22, 2018


For the Best Sleep, You'll Want to Set Your Thermostat to This Temperature
Ah, bedtime. You brush your teeth, wash your face, and get into your cozy pajamas. You slip under the covers and close your eyes…only to open them again. You toss. You turn. You flip your pillow. Something just isn’t right. You’re starting to sweat. You take the covers off. Now you’re freezing.  

Sound familiar? If you struggle with getting the temperature of your bedroom just right, then we’ve got some news that’s going to make your day (or rather, your night). The National Sleep Foundation says there’s actually magic range for the thermostat for getting the best night’s sleep and being after to drift off easily. 

For optimal sleep for adults and children, you’ll want to set your thermostat to a number between 60 to 67 degrees F (15 to 19 degrees C). For babies and toddlers, you want it a bit warmer: Between 65 and 70 degrees F (18 to 21 degrees C).  

The reason for these numbers? Your body temperature is always changing throughout the day. By the time you’re actually going to sleep at night, your body begins preparing itself to hit the hay by dropping its temperature. This is necessary to get your body ready for a decent night’s sleep. 

When you’re too hot, your body may not be able to get there, and then you might not be able to get to a REM sleep cycle. Too cold and your muscles might contract in an effort to stay warm, which can prevent you from relaxing and falling into that deep sleep we all crave. So these thermostat numbers are literally the Goldilocks of sleep temperatures. 

Don’t have a thermostat that controls your bedroom and you’re finding it too hot without it? Don’t worry—running a fan should do the trick.

Here are some other ways to get a good sleep at night:
  • Wind down at night. Anything from a bubble bath to reading a book to meditating or stretching. Doing something relaxing before bed can help you unwind and get a proper sleep.
  • Limit screen time. Using your phone too much (hello, LED/blue light) or tuning into Netflix before bed can wire you up, and keep you up for a while.
  • Make your sleep environment comfortable. Is your pillow comfortable? Are there crumbs in your bed? Make sure the place you sleep is the place you actually want to be sleeping.
  • Avoid taking long naps. A brief 20-30 minute nap can be okay if you really feel you need it, but avoid sleeping longer that that, which can cause you to be more alert at night.
  • Avoid stimulants after 2 p.m. Having things like caffeine or nicotine any later than that can cause insomnia.
  • Exercise. Working out during the day can tire you out come night time. Just make sure you’re not running a marathon too close to bedtime, which can keep you up.

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