
Thursday, November 23, 2023


November 23, 2023 - My thoughts for this Thanksgiving 2023

This has been a "learning" year - about our country, the history, the government as well as other countries history and governments. Fortunately I went to school in the 50's and early 60's - and learned more truth than lies.  I am dismayed at our current schools, the current media, the our current government.  I'll leave it at that.  This past year, I watch friends, neighbors, family - 'die suddenly'. For those in the know, you know what I mean.  Once again I refer you to my thoughts last Thanksgiving below...the story of Noah, God's covenant, and
II Timothy 1:7 - "For God has not give us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."  I know we will make it through this.

I close with wishing you all a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

November 24, 2022 - My thoughts for this Thanksgiving 2022

I sit here in front of my computer trying to think about what I want to write. So much has happened this year, not only in my family, but with the world. So many family, friends, acquaintances have passed away.  As I am typing this, God has put into my mind the story of Noah, and when the waters receded. [Genesis 8: 13-22] and I quote:

"13. In the six hundred and first year of Noah's life, during the first month, the flood water began to evaporate from the land.  Noah then removed the ark's cover and saw that the surface of the land was drying. 14. By the twenty-seventh day of the second month, the ground was dry.

The Lord's Covenant
15. God Spoke to Noah, 16. "It's time for you, your wife, your sons, and you sons' wives who are with you to leave the ark. 17. Bring out with you every living creature - including the flying creatures, animals, and everything that craws on the ground - so they my disperse throughout the land, be fruitful, and multiply throughout the earth." 19. Every animal, every crawling thing, every flying creature, and everything that moves on earth emerged from the ark by groups.

20. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and offered burnt offerings on it from every clan animal and every clean bird.  21. When the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, He told Himself, "I will never again curse the land because of human beings - even though human inclinations remain evil from youth - nor will I destroy every living being ever again, as I have done.

22. "Never again as long as the earth exists, will sowing and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night ever cease."

So with whatever is going on around me, I take comfort in the verse that is at the top of my web page, II Timothy 1:7 and this story of Noah.  Noah and his family made it!  Despite what people all around him said and joked about him building the Ark, he took God's promise to him and his family to heart.  I personally believe that God's Covenant is His promise, and He keeps his promises.

May you all have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.

November 25, 2021 - My thoughts for this Thanksgiving.

I want to take you back to the time of the American Revolution.

The leader of the American army at that time was General George Washington.  Did you know that up to the time that Washington crossed the Delaware around Christmas time in 1776 that he never won a battle? There is a painting of this crossing done by a German immigrant, Emanuel Leutze. [see the excerpt below]
"The Colonial cause appeared exceptionally bleak as the year 1776 came to a close. In a military move that navigated the fine line between brilliance and desperation, George Washington led the Colonial army across the Delaware River shortly after nightfall on 25 December in order to attack the Hessian encampment outside Trenton, New Jersey. Washington and his army achieved an unprecedented tactical surprise and delivered a much-needed military and moral victory. Washington’s army killed 22 Hessian soldiers, wounded 98 more, and captured more than 1,000 (Hessians were Germans soldiers hired by the British Empire). The Colonial Army had less than ten combined dead and wounded soldiers. After many military setbacks in the North, Washington’s bold move on Christmas night 1776 helped provide a sense of hope for the Colonial cause.” [excerpt from Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware - https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/art-americas/us-art-19c/romanticism-us/a/leutze-washington-crossing-the-delaware>]
If you read the story, you will find out that aboard that tiny boat along with Washington and two of his officers, were a Scotsman, African American, a frontiersman, a couple of farmers, a woman, and a Native American.  Funny how these different people realized that they had to come together to save this country. 
I firmly believe we, Americans, are at a very similar crossroad. We are at a crossroad not only in this country, but also the world as well. We have allowed ourselves to become divided, not only from our neighbors, our friends, but also, sadly, our families. We have to decide whether we stand on the side of what is good and truthful, or on the side of evil, which lies, instills fear, and divides us. 
So, my prayer for this Thanksgiving is best said with the quote from 2 Timothy, Chapter 1, verse 7. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 
My personal interpretation of this verse is that if God has not given us the spirit of fear, where does it come from? My answer is satan, the great deceiver. I believe those people who were in the boat with Washington understood this verse and chose to be on the side of good.
May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving.

November 26, 2020
Well, who would have thought that I would run out of space for doing this annual post.  So this is Part Two. 
Most of you will agree that this has been quite the year!  Whatever side you fall on, this year has taken an emotional, mental, and physical toll on all people.  In my 75 years I have never seen the hatred one person can have for another just because they don't agree with them.  I was looking forward to the holidays and the chance of getting to spend them with my family, but that is not going to happen.  Why, you may ask.  Because of fear.  Plain and simple - fear has paralyzed most people's brains.  Common sense - out the window.  Haven't seen my grandchildren since December 2019.  
However, I will not let these things deter me.  Several good friends in and near my age group have decided to celebrate Thanksgiving.   We are getting together and having a Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings.  
Thanksgiving is not just about family and friends, it is also about the reason why we have Thanksgiving.  Those Pilgrims back in the day, despite all the hardships they faced, realized that they were part of something bigger than them.  That God put them through the crucible of hardship and death to strengthen them because they were about to become the cornerstone to the founding of a Great and Wonderful Country - The United States of America.   
God's Blessings to all of you.


November 28, 2019

Dear Readers:

As I looked back at my posts, I am amazed to find that I have been doing this blog since December 2010.  Now that I am retired, I find myself thinking about what has happened in my life and being thankful, quite frankly, that I have made it this far. 

Do you remember as a child thinking about what your life would be like when you were all grown up?  Did it happen?  For me, some of it did.  Like flying in a police helicopter, and scuba diving in Crystal Springs, Florida and seeing a manatee up close and personal.  Two memories that when I close my eyes I can see it all happening again, and two memories I will never forget.  

So again this year, my family will sit around the Thanksgiving table.  Thankful for the good food, good friends, and loving family.  What I wish for everyone, large and small, is that you have a warm, wonderful, and blessed. Thanksgiving. 

November 22, 2018

Dear Readers:

Am I the only one who thinks time is going faster?   Did I not write last year's message only a month ago?  Seems that way.  

I am both thankful and sad about this year's passing.  Sad because we lost a beloved family member, and thankful for all of the wonderful memories of my husband's mother.  She was truly an angel on earth.  She would always carry in her purse a plain unmarked white envelope with $50 cash.  If she was out and about in her small town in West Virginia, and heard about some employee in a town business that was having a particularly rough time of it, she would write their name on the envelope, go to the manager of the business and ask that the envelope be given to the employee, and then she would leave.  She wasn't by any stretch of the imagination a wealth person, but a deeply religious woman who believed in the Bible, and took to heart the passage of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Matt 7:12).  She always remembered her roots, for she had lived through the Depression of the 1920's and WWII. 

So as we sit around the Thanksgiving table, I am going to treasure each and every family member, and be thankful once again for the blessings given to each and every one of us.  

May you all have a peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving.

November  23, 2017

Dear Readers:

For those of you that follow my page, you know that I don't post on Thanksgiving and Christmas, other than this message to all of my readers at Thanksgiving.  It is hard to believe another year has passed and so quickly.  I have much to be thankful for.  For one, I am thankful that I am now a year and a half of being cancer free.  I am determined to live out my 120 year plan.  I am thankful that I was able to retire this year.  I am thankful that my granddaughters are growing into beautiful young ladies.  I am thankful that my grandson married a wonderful young woman this past October.  

Once again as we gather around with family and friends, my wish is that we all have a day in which we can find, for a few moments, peace,  friendship, and love for one another. 

Dear Readers: 

November 23, 2016

Well, one of my favorite holidays has come around - Thanksgiving.  In many respects it is hard to believe that this year has gone so quickly.  Being a political year it has definitely had it ups and downs to put it mildly.   In my 50+ years of being able to vote I don't remember such a contentious election - there are many families and friends that no longer speak to one another because of it.  That is so sad.   If you scroll down and read my November 22, 2011 post, I think that my then 5-year old granddaughter had it right and I quote - “I just had a thought that I want every­one to be OK, not just my fam­ily but every­body.  It makes me sad that peo­ple don’t have things they need and food to eat and I just want them to be OK”.
My wish as we sit around our Thanksgiving tables, where ever they may be, that we are reminded to be thankful and forgiving, and that family and friends are important.  I pray that there will be some mended hearts and minds.

November 25, 2015

This year for the first time in about 40 years, I am not preparing Thanksgiving dinner - my oldest daughter is doing the honors in her new home.  You know, getting older definitely has some perks!  This year I am thankful for being an American, and for having had the opportunity to be the best that I could be.  Others may not look at me as being successful or rich, but I have a wonderful family that loves me and I them.  What could be better, or more successful, or richer than that?

November 26, 2014

This is the day before Thanksgiving, and once again I want to share my traditional post from three years ago.  At the time, my granddaughter was only five, and all I can say is that we all need to have a little bit of her sensitive soul when thinking about others and be very thankful for what we have.  

November 24, 2011

Dear Readers:
As I am busily preparing Thanksgiving dinner for the family, my thoughts went back to a post that my daughter wrote yesterday about her daughter.  And I thought rather than do a recipe this week, that I would share with you all what she posted since it is so apropos for this Thanksgiving season. 

Today I am Thankful and reminded to always be so…

I am sure you have all heard the say­ing “Life is not mea­sured by the num­ber of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away” — this was one of those moments.  I am so thank­ful for this amaz­ing lit­tle per­son that I have been blessed with.  I am so proud of her and so inspired by her and I don’t know what I ever did in life to be so lucky to have her.

She has reminded me that char­ity has no sea­son and that if we can do more and give more we should, every sin­gle day.  We agreed that every sin­gle week we will add a few items to our gro­cery list that can be donated.  I assured her that her crazy coupon mommy could fill a big box in just a few trips;   It is so easy to get caught up in the rat race of day to day life, espe­cially at the Hol­i­days.  I feel like there is so much to do and so lit­tle time — when the truth of the mat­ter is all we really have to do is take care of each other.


Tuesday, November 21, 2023