

Cruciferous Vegetable Prove Mainstream Medicine Wrong
By Ty Bollinger
From The Truth About Cancer Website
Below is an excerpt from the article.  To read the article in its entirety, click on the link below:

Mainstream medicine’s message for decades has been that you cannot change the destiny of your genes.

The profession as a whole has neglected to recognize the role of dietary changes in disease prevention, including cancer. Still, to this day, most conventional doctors will only say to patients, “you have to watch what you eat,” (if anything at all), which basically says nothing to the patient. If you are a regular subscriber of our weekly digest, or have watched our Eastern Medicine: Journey Through ASIA documentary, then you know that the food you eat matters!  

Every time you eat broccoli, broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts, your body converts a key nutrient found in these tasty foods into another one that science has been aggressively researching for its anti-cancer potential.
This converted nutrient, known as 3,3′-Diindolylmethane, or DIM, has shown incredible promise in the fight against cancer, demonstrating powerful chemo-protective action that may help in the prevention, suppression, and even reversal of cancer. 

The precursor to indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which itself is generated following the enzymatic hydrolysis, or breakdown, of glucobrassicin, an indole glucosinolate present in cruciferous vegetables, DIM has been shown in both animal and human studies to inhibit the development of cancer. One of several bioactive components of I3C, DIM, like its counterpart sulforaphane, is an epigenetic modulator, meaning it has the capacity to alter certain enzymatic pathways to inhibit the formation and spread of cancer.  

The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University (OSU) has focused considerable attention on DIM’s precursor, I3C, noting that the action of stomach acid is what converts I3C into biologically active compounds such as DIM. Following its conversion, DIM is capable of exerting its own wide range of pleiotropic, anti-tumor activity.

CLICK on the link above to continue reading the article and learn How DIM Destroys Tumors.


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