
Friday, December 27, 2013


Dear Readers:

Most of you by now, know how dear to my heart are military veterans.   I read this letter today on the Blaze web site.  This retired Chief Master Sergeant says it well on how once again Congress, both Democrat and Republican, has betrayed our veterans, both those currently serving and those retired.  I have posted the letter in its entirety belowIf you are as disgusted with Congress as I am, then all I can say to you is SPEAK OUT and then get up and get out to VOTE them out of office!

To Congressman Paul Ryan
Today at 8:19 AM

Congressman Ryan,

Please note that this request by you for a cash donation from me is extremely unfortunate and very ill-timed. You see sir, I am one of the military retirees your “bipartisan” budget just impacted. You and every Republican (both in the House and Senate that voted to pass this travesty betrayed and broke trust with me and everyone like me. You may not know us by name, but we’re the people, Congressman, who answered our Nation’s call, some of us at a very early age to willingly serve YOU and others LIKE YOU so you could safely attend college and pursue your personal ambitions without fear of harm.

You might also want to note that for at least 20 years, my brothers-in-arms answered that call of duty EVERY SINGLE DAY, without fail, without complaint, without enough money to sustain our loved ones we had to leave behind while we DID OUR JOB in every corner of the Earth. And for that service, we were given absolute assurance our so-called retirement benefits would be protected by law. The very law you shattered in your zeal to impress your Democratic cohorts in your back room deal–with the enemy. Yes, I said it. The liberal Democrats are an enemy to the American people and our Nation. Your lack of judgement and eagerness to compromise on the backs of us who protected you is sickening. Congressman, you and every Republican that voted for injuring military retirees have engaged in a complicit, sordid affair with the Democrats who’s objective has always been to dismantle the military. By climbing into their bed on this issue, you have confirmed you are absolutely no better than they and have proven it with your vote.

Congressman Ryan, the audacity which you display is noteworthy, but to unceremoniously snatch earned money from a small group that has added so much more value than the paltry $6B you looked to “save” (which is all smoke and mirrors and you know it), is reprehensible and insulting.

We have, despite the hardships, meager salaries and harsh conditions, have performed with honor and excellence…in silence, which is something most members of Congress have no idea about doing. Our job approval was, is and always be better than yours. We knew our mission and we got it done, then handed it off to a new generation in better shape than we found it.

Your ability to look us in the eye, take money from us (apparently there was ZERO, other source of waste within the federal government that you could have recovered this money from…right, got it), while simultaneously holding your hand out to beg (with passion) for our cash is stunning. Your actions have proven you do not have the tremendous intellect you’ve sold the American people on. I say, with all seriousness, Congressman, what you lack in intellect and spinal rigidity, you make up for in cajones.

I hope you and your cowardly, Republican “colleagues” hear a message from me loud and clear. You will NEVER receive another cent of financial support from me. Further, if you happen to be at a Capitol Hill dinner or at a K Street cocktail party with RNC Chair Reince Priebus, Rep. Ron Barber, Sen. Jeff Flake or Sen. John McCain, I would be honored if you communicate with them that I am launching an effort to ensure NONE of you traitorous “representatives of the people” ever receive another vote from a military retiree. Remove me from your contact lists.

Chuck Wooten,
Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Ret)


Dear Readers:

What would Christmas be without a little Gingerbread.  Here is a simple recipe with old fashioned taste that you can dress up or down for dessert.  

NOTE:  Thank you for following my web page.  During the Christmas holidays, I will not be posting any recipes.  My next recipe posting will be January 9th.  I will however continue with my regular posts.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful and prosperous New Year!

Don't forget to check out the coupon web pages posted this week on my web page to see if there is any that can be used for the  ingredients.
  • For Coupons.com - Click - HERE
  • For RedPlum - Click HERE 
  • For Hopster - Click HERE
  • For CellFire - Click HERE
  • For SavingStar eGrocery Coupons - Click HERE

For those new to my web, this recipe page can be found by clicking on the words 'Current Recipes' in the upper left hand corner of the page.  To find older recipes, click on the  'Archived Recipes' pages (5).  

If you would like to receive a weekly email from me when I post a recipe, notify me at hjcouponlady30@gmail.com and I will place you on my list.  As stated in my privacy policy, I do not share email information with other parties.


Thursday, December 12, 2013


Dear Readers:

This week's recipe is a little something you can serve during the holidays - it is Apricot Almond Bread.  Easy to do and something you can dress up with a little Powdered Sugar glaze.  This recipe uses Pastry Flour - I have included the link about different flours so you can read all about the difference between flours and decide if you want to use it.    

The difference between cake flour, all purpose flour and bread flour. Which do you need, and why?

Don't forget to check out the coupon web pages posted this week on my web page to see if there is any that can be used for the  ingredients.
  • For Coupons.com - Click - HERE
  • For RedPlum - Click HERE 
  • For Hopster - Click HERE
  • For CellFire - Click HERE
  • For SavingStar eGrocery Coupons - Click HERE

For those new to my web, this recipe page can be found by clicking on the words 'Current Recipes' in the upper left hand corner of the page.  To find older recipes, click on the  'Archived Recipes' pages (5).  

If you would like to receive a weekly email from me when I post a recipe, notify me at hjcouponlady30@gmail.com and I will place you on my list.  As stated in my privacy policy, I do not share email information with other parties.


Saturday, December 7, 2013


Once again my Congressman, Phil Roe, is right on the money...
East Tennesseans Are Struggling Under the President’s Health Care Law

This week, after his administration announced that Healthcare.gov was finally working, President Obama launched his campaign to promote his health law. Over the next few weeks, the president plans to tout the law’s successes, but the list of Obamacare’s failures is much longer, and stretches far beyond a broken website. During his speech on Tuesday, the president told stories of people that have been helped by Obamacare, but what about those hurting because of it?

Kelly is a single mother from East Tennessee. She works hard to provide for her family and is trying to pay to go back to school. Kelly said, “I felt it was important to have health care coverage. I had purchased what I could afford. The policy wasn't ideal but reasonable. However, that policy will go away come the first of the year. I have been on the health insurance marketplace. I was floored to find either with my premiums or out of pocket cost would be almost three-quarters of my income.”

Unfortunately, Kelly’s story is one being lived by more than 2 million Americans that will lose their health insurance because it does not meet the standard set by Obamacare. I believe that when the president and his allies argue that plans like the one Kelly purchased are substandard, it's a smack in the face to all the people, like Kelly, who have spent time researching health care coverage and purchasing plans that their families can afford. Despite the president’s late announcement that insurance companies could continue to offer those plans, many states and insurers are rejecting his “fix” because premium rates for next year have already been negotiated. The very law intended to make health care affordable for Kelly and her family has seemingly made it unattainable. Linda, also from East Tennessee, says she hasn’t lost her insurance, but her premiums have doubled because of the president’s health care law.

Barbara also lives in the First District. She is 58 years old and has a catastrophic plan with a $5,000 deductible. Barbara said she is angry that she’s being forced to purchase insurance that requires her to carry coverage she doesn’t need, like maternity, pediatric dental and substance abuse treatment. I share Barbara’s frustration, as the minimum coverage requirements have forced my wife and me to purchase a policy under Obamacare with these same protections, despite being at a time in our lives when we will not have more children.

Lisa’s company is still offering employer-sponsored insurance, but her cap on out-of-pocket expenses has gone up to $4,500 with a $1,300 deductible and 20 percent copay. In 2012, Lisa’s deductible was $700 and her co-pay was 20 percent. Quentin also gets insurance through his employer, but his premiums have doubled because of Obamacare. He’s now paying $137 a month for the same high-deductible, health savings account plan he used to pay $55 for.

These are just a few of the many stories I’ve heard from East Tennesseans about their struggles because of this health care law. The president claims the law is working and that Republicans opposed to the law have already convinced themselves the law has failed simply because they want it to fail. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is that the law isn’t working for most residents of the First District. President Obama advised those opposed to his law to check with those across the country the law is helping, but I’d advise the president to check with East Tennesseans like Kelly, Linda, Barbara, Lisa and Quentin. We owe it to them, and to the millions of Americans across the country who have lost their insurance plans, who can no longer see their doctor and who have seen their premiums skyrocket, to find a better way to reform health care in this country. I believe this so strongly that I wrote a market-based, patient-centered health care reform bill, the American Health Care Reform Act.

No one is talking about returning to the status quo before Obamacare. The health care system in this country was broken before Obamacare, and the truth is, it still is. Obamacare isn’t working, and that’s not a party-line talking point, that’s a fact. And as long as I hear from Tennesseans who struggling because of this law, I will continue to fight against it. There is an answer to our country’s health care problems, but Obamacare isn’t it.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Dear Readers:

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  This week's recipe is a change from all of the turkey leftovers.  A friend of mine, Kirsten, got creative in the kitchen and came up with this recipe.  Lucky for me she shared a little.  I hope you will enjoy it, too.  
Don't forget to check out the coupon web pages posted this week on my web page to see if there is any that can be used for the  ingredients.
  • For Coupons.com - Click - HERE
  • For RedPlum - Click HERE 
  • For Hopster - Click HERE
  • For CellFire - Click HERE
  • For SavingStar eGrocery Coupons - Click HERE

For those new to my web, this recipe page can be found by clicking on the words 'Current Recipes' in the upper left hand corner of the page.  To find older recipes, click on the  'Archived Recipes' pages (5).  

If you would like to receive a weekly email from me when I post a recipe, notify me at hjcouponlady30@gmail.com and I will place you on my list.  As stated in my privacy policy, I do not share email information with other parties.
